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Your trustworthy partner in the field of entrepreneurship


“Suusamägi osta suvel, paradiisi rand talvel.”

Leanika Järve

Kinnisvara spetsialist

Business Growth Strategies - Journey Towards Success in Every Business!

Welcome to the Leprofit Coaching website!

Are you looking to see your business grow and thrive? We are here to accompany you on this journey and ensure that you achieve your business goals. Starting with real estate and extending to every industry, we offer comprehensive business growth strategies specifically tailored to your needs and objectives.

Our experts will help you define clear goals and develop action plans to achieve them. We bring new customers to your business using innovative marketing strategies and campaigns. We establish a strong connection with your existing customers by personalizing communication and keeping them informed about your offerings. We strengthen your sales potential and help you achieve real sales transactions through professional sales calls and strategies.

Leprofit Coaching's aim is to provide you with comprehensive support and strategies to achieve success in any business. We grow together and take you to higher levels – you are in safe hands on your journey of business growth.

About me

Business Growth Strategist and Coach Leanika Järve, about herself

I've dedicated myself to the real estate field for over 15 years. I've launched several real estate agencies and personally conducted hundreds of transactions. But today, my vision is much broader. My vision is to be the first choice for every business as a business growth strategist and coach. I want businesses in every industry to see me as a guide who helps them achieve success and growth.

My mission is to change lives, which is also reflected in the motto of my company, "Changing Lives." I aim to provide you with practical tools that will support you on your entire journey of entrepreneurship and business growth. Whether you want to enter the world of business or take your career to the next level, I'm here to support you. I've faced numerous challenges and achieved success in the business world, so I understand precisely what you need to grow and achieve your goals.

I am ready to build a trustworthy and personal relationship with you, one that will help you succeed and grow in every field. Welcome to a journey where we can achieve great things together and change lives!

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"Being a successful entrepreneur doesn't happen by chance – it's the result of a clear vision, well-set goals, consistent actions, and dedication to the success of your business."

Leanika Järve

Top Real Estate Broker and Coach


Here is a suitable way to help you achieve the desired success.


Your path to business growth! Need a specialist's advice on growing your business? My consulting service will help you find the right direction and strategies that lead your company toward success. We can discuss various business growth strategies, marketing plans, sales strategies, and other essential areas. I'm here to provide you with practical advice and guidance that will help you unlock the doors to success.

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Our training programs are designed for those taking their first steps in the real estate industry, as well as experienced real estate agents. We also assist businesses in growing and thriving. Explore our diverse range of training options that cover a wide variety of topics and find the suitable opportunity for professional development and achieving success.

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Direct your business towards growth! Whether you aim to achieve better results in your real estate business or lead your company onto a successful growth path, my personalized coaching packages are tailored for both real estate professionals and business leaders looking to reach their business goals and guide their company successfully toward growth, regardless of the industry.

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Years of experience


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Real estate transactions

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Tippmaakler Leanika Järve

Intervjuu tippmaakler Leanika Järvega

  Kinnisvarainvestor ja Prisma Kinnisvarade omanik Roland Kore, kellel on üle 20 aasta kogemust, vestles Leanika Järvega, et uurida tema teekonda tippmaaklerina, juhtimiskogemust ja tulevikuplaane kinnisvaravaldkonnas. Roland: Kuidas algas Sinu teekond kinnisvaras? Leanika: Algus oli täiesti juhuslik! Tegelesin kunagi lastemänguväljakutega...

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Coaching Kinnisvara Koolitused

5 strateegiat, kuidas suurendada objektide arvu pingelisel turul.

Tere tulemast minu kinnisvarablogisse! Selles artiklis uurime, kuidas saavutada kinnisvaramaaklerina paremaid tulemusi läbi tõhusa...

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“Inimtüüpide põhjal müük ja turundamine”

Ühtegi äri ei saa teha ilma müügi või turunduseta. Turundus ja müük on alati...

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Coaching Kinnisvara

Kuidas tõhusalt kliente hankida ja äri kasvatada

Mul on rõõm teiega taas jagada mõtteid ja praktilisi nõuandeid kinnisvaraäri kohta. Täna keskendume...

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Just a few real estate agencies I have worked with.

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