About Me
Your trusted specialist in real estate and entrepreneurship.
"Becoming a successful real estate agent is not a matter of chance - it is the result of a clear vision, well-defined goals, consistent actions, and dedication to serving clients."
Leanika Järve
Real Estate Specialist
Leanika Järve
My experience will help turn your thoughts into reality faster than you can imagine.
My name is Leanika Järve, an expert in the real estate field with 15 years of experience. I am the founder and director of Leprofit Coaching, a highly regarded real estate training company based in Estonia, widely recognized as the best in the market. I have successfully launched multiple real estate agencies and personally closed hundreds of transactions. Additionally, I have trained thousands of real estate agents, showcasing my ability to effectively teach and guide others in this field. My knowledge and experience provide Leprofit Coaching with unparalleled expertise and credibility.
Personally, I am dedicated to continuous reading and international development, ensuring that Leprofit Coaching's training and mentoring programs are always relevant and effective.
From training effectiveness to extensive experience: Leprofit stands out in the real estate field
Another important factor that sets Leprofit apart is the company's commitment to continuous learning and development. Järve is dedicated to ongoing reading and international advancement, ensuring that she stays up to date with the latest trends and best practices. This ensures that the training and mentoring provided by Leprofit are always relevant and effective.
Leprofit is also known for its strong mission of transforming lives through education. This is reflected in the company's motto and is evident in the results achieved by Leprofit's clients. The effectiveness of Leprofit's training is attested by satisfied client feedback and the number of trained real estate agents.
In addition to expertise and mission, Leprofit stands out for its extensive experience. Järve has experience in various aspects of real estate, such as buying and selling, renting, selling development projects, and property management. This means that Leprofit can provide comprehensive training that covers all aspects of the real estate industry.
The Best Real Estate Trainer in Estonia: Strong Network and Dedication to Quality
In addition, Leprofit has a strong network of contacts in the real estate market. With years of experience, Järve has built a robust network of contacts that can be beneficial for clients aiming to succeed in this field. This network can provide valuable knowledge and connections that help clients achieve success in their real estate careers.
Finally, Leprofit is known for its professionalism and dedication to quality. Järve's knowledge, experience, and commitment to continuous learning showcase her professionalism in the real estate industry. This is reflected in the high-quality training and mentoring provided by Leprofit.
In conclusion, Leprofit is the best real estate trainer in the Estonian market due to its expertise, mission, extensive experience, strong network, and commitment to quality. Led by the experienced real estate veteran Leanika Järve, Leprofit organizes comprehensive, relevant, and effective training that helps individuals excel in the real estate industry.
Our customers say
Our customers say
Drear Leanika!
Although I provided quick feedback online, I feel the need to write separately because I am honestly still completely inspired and overflowing with motivation. I thoroughly enjoyed your training, and even more so, you as a trainer. You managed to unlock a previously undiscovered part of my mind that can generate exciting ideas on the spot. Not only in real estate, but also in other aspects of life. Since the last day of training on Friday, I have made several significant decisions that were previously hindered by a lack of courage, and now I am moving forward with full power. Your personality radiates positivity, rationality, and experience, and it was incredibly fascinating to listen to you and discover more about myself in the process. THANK YOU!!! 😊
Silvia Ala
Dream Seller Real Estate Agency
Our customers say
Leanika! I participated in this training for the second time, and once again, you have filled my mind with positivity, fresh ideas, and rekindled inspiration to make great strides in the real estate industry and pursue my personal goals! You are an excellent trainer, and I highly appreciate that your training sessions are filled with practical advice and informative material that is highly valuable in real-world work. The best part of the training was the real-life advice and examples! Leanika taught me how to better manage my time so that I can accomplish more while still having enough time for my family, without constantly feeling rushed. Thank you, and I look forward to meeting you at future training sessions!
Evelin Teas
Skanton Real Estate Ltd, Professional Real Estate Broker
Our customers say
SKK Training provided me with all the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve success in the real estate world. Just two months after completing the training and applying the practical knowledge, I could proudly celebrate a turnover of over €5000. Leanika managed to instill a lasting inspiration in me, enabling me to continually grow my business in the future.
Martin Koot
Marmel Real Estate
Our customers say
I have been in the market for 13 years, but I still feel a constant need to develop myself and learn something new. This motivated me to attend Leanika's training. I have no regrets about dedicating 2.5 days to complete the Top Agent training. While some of the information in the training was familiar to me, I also gained several fresh ideas on how to improve my work even further. In addition, Leanika's positive energy and enthusiasm are contagious and provide a great boost for taking action. The training is especially invaluable for beginner real estate agents. I highly recommend that newcomers in my team start their careers with this training.
Risto Paju
Skanton Real Estate
Our customers say
I have been operating in the market for 16 years, yet I still feel a constant need for personal growth and acquiring new knowledge. This prompted me to attend Leanika's training. I have never regretted investing those 2.5 days in completing the Top Agent training. While some of the information covered in the training was familiar to me, I also gained several fresh ideas on how to enhance my work even further. Moreover, Leanika's positive energy and enthusiasm are infectious, creating an inspiring atmosphere for taking action. This training is particularly valuable for novice real estate agents. I highly recommend that newcomers in my team kickstart their careers with this training.
Gerdi Anupõld
MyHome Ltd, Professional Real Estate Agency
Our customers say
I would rate the "Top Agent" training 10/10. I appreciated that Leanika has personally practiced all the sales techniques, and since she is also a successful businesswoman herself, we can be confident that it all works.
Maksim Makejev
Arco Vara Kinnisvarabüroo AS
Our customers say
Thank you for the EXCELLENT training! The training exceeded expectations!
Liina-Liis Tamme
Kinnisvarabüroo Areal OÜ
Our customers say
I would like to thank you for the memorable and inspiring training! It was truly motivating and interesting to learn and gain valuable knowledge from the best in the field! In the future, I hope to participate in more of your trainings, and I will definitely recommend your trainings to other talented individuals who need motivation and a push to improve their endeavors. You are an amazing soul!
Kristine Hanschmidt
Plus Real Estate
Our customers say
Soovitan südamest Leanika koolitusi. Käisin just Tippmaakleri koolitusel - läksin küll üheks päevaks, aga välja tuli kolme päevane koolitus. Sain tugeva tõuke ja enesekindlust kuhjaga juurde. Võtsin oma kolm värsket ootes objekti, kus kliendid ei soovinud lepingut teha. Kõik kolm lepingut sain veel sama päeva õhtul peale nippide rohket koolitust.
Kõigele lisaks uued meeldivad tutvused – meil oli äge grupp!
Veelkord tänud Leanika Sulle ja meie grupile!
Ele Tern
Lossi Kinnisvara OÜ, kinnisvaramaakler
Our customers say
Leanika! Oled motiveeriv ja särav koolitaja. See koolitus oli just selles ajas minule vajalik. Peale koolitust tunned ennast tegusa ja tegijana! Aitäh!
Lea Nõmmik
Skanton Kinnisvara OÜ, kinnisvaramaakler
Our customers say
Leanika Järve on kindlalt üks parimaid maaklerbüroo juhte ja koolitajaid Eestis.
Jaanus Laugus
Kinnisvarabüroo Uus Maa OÜ, partner
Our customers say
Leanika poolt läbiviidud SKK koolitus oli ja on siiani minu jaoks konkurentsitult parim kinnisvarakoolitus, mida olen oma kinnisvarakarjääri jooksul kogenud. See 3-päevane kursus laadis mind kõva „poweriga“, andis kaasa tohutult suure teadmistepagasi ja inspireeris mind alustama oma tööelu uuelt värskelt lehelt - maaklerina. Ei häbene üldse tunnistada, et koolituse materjale vaatan värskenduseks aeg-ajalt läbi siiani. Ja päris kindlasti väärib eraldi äramärkimärkimist ka koolitaja Leanika - alati särav ja heatujuline, maailma parim motivaator, inspireerija ja julgustaja.
Karin Soome
Marknor Kinnisvara OÜ, kutseline kinnisvaramaakler
Our customers say
Kogemustega maaklerina tänan suurepärase koolituskogemuse ja konkreetsete nõuannete eest.
Anne Lendla
Skanton Kinnisvara OÜ, kutseline kinnisvaramaakler
Our customers say
Kui tavaliselt kipuvad koolitused olema pigem teoreetilist laadi, siis SKK oli 100% hands-on!
Võib kõlada banaalselt, aga SKK-lt ammutatud teadmiste ning oskustega saab alustaja ettevõtja kohe tuule tiibadesse. Eeldusel muidugi, et jälgib igapäevaselt "ettekirjutusi" kuniks need rutiiniks muutuvad. Kogu õhkkond oli positiivset energiat täis. Leanika on väga särav ja inspireeriv treener!
Kaie Kass Agcay
Kinnisvarabüroo Uus Maa OÜ, turundusjuht
Our customers say
Väga informatiivne ja motiveeriv. Intensiivne koolitus. Kindlasti tulen veel koolitustele ja soovitan koolitust edasi oma kontoris.
Aleksandra Sandström
1Partner Kinnisvara OÜ
Our customers say
Meeldivad pika perspektiiviga ja arendavad teadmised- koolitusel neid oli. Eriti head olid elust enesest näited.
Tiina Teder
Yellow Flower OÜ
Our customers say
I recently completed a 3-month training program with Leanika, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the invaluable knowledge, assistance, and support she provided me with. Throughout the training, she generously shared numerous tips and ideas on how to effectively structure my business and propel it to new heights. I greatly appreciated her unwavering support, as she consistently followed up on my task preparations, monitored my progress, and offered guidance to identify areas where I could further enhance my skills. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend Leanika's training program to anyone embarking on a real estate career.
Adas Gudeliauskas
Proconcept Real Estate - Real Estate Agent
Years of experience
Trained people
Customer satisfaction
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